64 Bar Medley for 4 couples
(32 bars of strathspey then 32 bars of reel time - 4 times through)
2 chords:
1st chord - Bow and Curtsey
2nd chord - 3rd & 4th couples change sides
1-8 |
1C and 2C Set and Rotate: Take hands on sides and set. All pull back RS to cast, rotating one position to right (clockwise). Change places RH with partner up and down set. All chase one position to clockwise around the mini-square. |
9-16 |
2C, 1C, 3C, 4C Bubble Up Figure: (Remember: Every 2 bars all are on sides facing in) 2C cast to 4th place while all other couples Turn RH halfway moving up one place. 1C cast to 4th place while all other couples Turn RH halfway moving up one place. 3C cast to 4th place while all other couples Turn RH halfway moving up one place. 4C cast to 4th place while all other couples Turn RH halfway moving up one place. (Keep turns tight and really long steps when casting) End in the order 2C 1C 3C 4C (2W and 1W will be on partner's side), with 2C facing 1C and 3C facing 4C. |
17-24 |
Reels of 4 on sides. End top with 2 couples and bottom 2 couples facing in diagonally in their square of 4 people. |
25-28 |
Set and Track Figure: All set (2 bars). All move as follows to form a square set ( 2 bars): 2M, followed by 2W dance to left to 2nd place in the square; 4M followed by 4W dance to left to 4th place in the square; 1C dance to left, 1M cutting in front so 1W finishes on 1M's right side facing DOWN in 1st place in the square; 3C dance to left, 3M cutting in front so 3W finishes on 3M's right side facing UP in 3rd place in the square set. |
29-32 |
All 4 couples Turn RH with partner and end men facing IN and women facing OUT |
REEL (In square set) OR PARTY TIME:
1-16 |
ALL CLAP and dance Schiehallion reels: Men dance in diagonally to take the place of the woman on their right. Ladies dance out and around to take their partner's place. Men dance out and around to follow the same woman, while the ladies dance in and across to follow their partner. Repeat for 12 more bars until you return to original place. (Remember: every 2 bars on line of square). End all facing RIGHT (Widdershins) around square set. |
17-24 |
Chase around the square as follows to finish back to longwise set, in the order 2C 3C 4C 1C, all finishing on partner's side: 2C travel 1 place to right and STOP at top of set (2 bars) While 3C travel 2 places to right (below 2c) and STOP (4 bars) While 4C travel 3 places to right (below 3c) and STOP (6 bars) While 1c travel 4 places to right (below 4c) and STOP (8 bars) Remember: 2 bars per each side of square. Men take small steps to finish on ladies' side. |
25-32 |
2C and 3C Cross RH in 2 bars then rest for 6 bars (there are no other rest periods in entire dance) While 4C and 1C dance the Slip Knot (non-progressive Knot, devised by Mel Briscoe) upside-down: Bars 1-6 are danced as for a normal Knot. On bars 7-8, the two couples dance LH across halfway to finish where they started the formation. Remember: Dancers start and finish on partner's side, so the formation ends up being danced upside down (i.e. the dancers face UP not down the set on bar 2 of the figure, and turn to face DOWN not up on bar 3). |
End with new top couple in 1st place (2c 3c 4c 1c) with bottom two couples on opposite sides again. READY TO OPEN ANOTHER BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE |
Devised by Holly V. Sherman (hollyvalentine530 [at]
Notes from Holly: "Thank you" to Howard Lasnik and Dale Birdsall for their suggestions in the segues between some of the figures.
The Ladies of Schiehallion are:
- Chris Gallagher
- Betty Allen
- Holly Sherman
This dance was devised to commemorate their 10th anniversary as roommates at Pinewoods.
The dance had to be a medley to fit their different personalities. It had to have Schiehallion reels in it because the name of their cabin is Schiehallion, and it had to have something "bubbly" in it because they like to party and they host a champagne mimosa party at camp every year.
The dance tells a story:
Part one of the story is in strathspey because the party hasn't gotten going yet and it denotes the personality of one of the roommates. The Set and Rotate figure represents the opening of a champagne bottle - so only the top 2 couples dance - representing the cork. After the cork pops, the champagne bubbles up and spills out and down the sides of the bottle. This bubble up figure was devised by Michael Bentley. The constant flowing movement in the reel of four represents the pouring of the champagne and in the last figure of strathspey - the people are setting in little groups talking - but decide to circulate to see who else is at the party - then the couples decide to split up and get the party going.
Part two of the story is in quick time to represent the personality of the other roommate - and because the party is now in full swing. Dancing the Schiehallion reels is always fun and lively - just like a party. Then it's time to settle down - take a breather - look for a place to rest for awhile. While the top 2 couples rest (and think about opening another bottle of champagne in strathspey time), the bottom 2 couples have found a little champagne left in the old bottle and decide to finish it off - with the Slip Knot - danced up as the bottle empties. Don't worry - the Schiehallion ladies would never have just one bottle of champagne - in fact they have four so all 4 couples have a chance to open a bottle, dance, and have a "Reel" good time.
Figure 1. 1c & 2c Set & Rotate (8 Bars)
Figure 2. All 4c Bubble Up (8 Bars)
Figure 3. All 4c Reel of 4 on sides (8 Bars)
Figure 4. All 4c Set & Chase to left to form square (4 Bars)
All 4c Set and Turn RH (4 Bars)
Reel (Clap)
Figures 1 & 2. All 4c Schiehallion reels (16 Bars)
Figure 3. All 4c Chase to right to form lines again (8 Bars)
Figure 4. All 4c Cross (RH) 2c & 3c rest for 6 Bars while 4c & 1c continue with Slip Knot danced UP (8 Bars)
See on Strathspey Server