Fenway Jig 8x32 J
Posted by beth on Aug 29, 2005 in Jigs
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or The Curse Reversed
8x32 Jig for 3 couples
1-4 | M advance and retire, while 1W set, advance, and turn right about |
5-8 | 1W dance out through own place, below 2W, and up the middle to finish above 2C in middle facing down while 1M follow partner to finish below 2C in middle facing up. 2C step up on 7-8. |
9-16 | 1C and 2C dance 8 bars of petronella setting -- set, travel, set, travel, finishing w/ 1C still facing up and down in the center, man above; 2C finish on opposite sides, moving in slightly on the last turn to form an arch. |
17-20 | 1M face left and dance out around 2M and across to second place on the men's side while 1W dances under 2C's arch, then follows her partner to finish in second place on women's side. 2C stand in arch on 17-18, then slip step to own sides (starting with L foot) on 19-20, retaining hands as long as possible. |
21-24 | 1C and 3C chase around a circle, as if dancing L hands across but without hands. |
25-32 | 1C face down, give L shoulder to 3C for 8 bar parallel reels of 3. Women may finish with long turns. |
The dance finishes with two chords:
- Chord 1, bow or curtsey to partner;
- chord 2, exchange high fives. Jumping into a pile on top of the pitcher is discouraged.
Tune: "The Night We Reversed the Curse" (Hanneke Cassel)
[in place of the opening chord, a few bars/notes of the national anthem is recommended]
Devised by Beth Kingsley (ejk [at] zzapp.org) and Ellie Briscoe June, 2005