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32-bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple set
1-4 | 1M follows 1L who casts off one place and dances across the set while 2L follows 2M who casts up one place and dances across the set |
5-8 | 2s and 1s right hands across, 1L end facing out. |
9-16 | 2L follows 2M who follows 1M who follows 1L who dances a figure 8 around 3s, beginning by casting around 3M; 1L meets 2M between the 3s at the beginning of bar 6 and they lead up to 1st place and turn towards each other to face down with near hands joined while 1M meets 2L between the 3s at the beginning of bar 7 and they lead up to 2nd place to face up with near hands joined |
17-24 | 1L and 2M dance down under an arch made by 2L and 1M, 1L and 2M form an arch and 2L and 1M dance under, repeat, all end facing up in center, near hands joined |
25-32 | 1M follows 1L as she casts to 2nd place on the ladies' side, crosses down between the 3s and up around 3M to 2nd place on their own side. Meanwhile 2L follows 2M as he casts to 2nd place on the mens' side, crosses down between the 3s and up around 3L to 1st place on their own side. As they cross down between 3rd couple, 2M passes 1L in front of him with his right hand and 1M passes 2L in front of him with his left hand. |
On the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th iteration, 1L ends facing out, ready to cast off one place.
On the 2nd, 4th, and 6th iteration, 2M ends facing out, ready to cast up one place.
Recommended music: "The Architect"
Devised by Marty Livingston (martyrlivingston [at] Rin Wuid is a Scottish phrase meaning 'Act with reckless abandon'
UPDATE Feb 2015: Bars 5-16 clarified