Blaine's Double Date 4x32 R
Posted by ellen on Jul 22, 2005 in Reels
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1-4 | 1C & 4C cross RH and cast, 1C down 1 place, 4C up one place. 2C and 3C step up or down on 3-4. |
5-8 | 1C dance ½ figure of 8 up around 2's while 4C dance ½ figure 8 down around 3's. 1C meet in center, facing 2M. 1W will be on 1M's right. 4C meet in center facing 3W, 4W will be on man's left. |
9-14 | 1C & 4C dance 6 bars of "hello-good-bye" in tandem.* 1C dances the track on the men's side of the dance, 4C dances the track on the ladies side, setting to each other as a couple across the dance. Couples join nearer hands when setting. |
15 | 1C, 4C, nearer hands joined set advancing toward each other. |
16 | 1C, 4C dance away from each other toward the side line closer to them, with traveling pas basque, to face up and down, ready for reel of 4 on the sides. (4W faces 2M, 4M faces 2W, 1W faces 3M, 1M faces 3W.) 2C and 3C face up and down. |
17-24 | Reels of 4 on the side |
25-28 | 4C, giving RH, cross above 2C and cast into 2nd place. 1C, giving RH, cross below 3C and cast up to 3rd place. |
29-32 | 4C & 1C dance RH across back to new positions on own sides. |
Repeat 3 times. |
* Hello-Goodbye in Tandem:
1C track:
Bar 1 | set to 2M |
Bar 2 | traveling pas de basque to men's side line, keeping same relative position to partner, as in petronella in tandem. Man will finish on sideline next to 3M. Woman will finish next to 2M, now on her partner's left. |
Bar 3 | 1C set to 4C, who are now on the sidelines across the set. |
Bar 4 | Traveling PDB to face 3M. 1M finishes closer to bottom of set, lady closer to sideline and on her partner's right. |
Bar 5 | Couple set to 3M |
Bar 6 | Travel to bottom of set, facing up. Man finishes next to 3W, woman next to 3M. |
4C track:
Bar 1 | set to 2W |
Bar 2 | traveling pas de basque to women's side line, keeping same relative position to partner, as in petronella in tandem. Man will finish on sideline next to 2W. Woman will finish next to 4W, now on her partner's right. |
Bar 3 | 4C set to 1C, who are now on the sidelines across the set. |
Bar 4 | Traveling PDB to face 2W. 1W finishes closer to top of set, man closer to sideline and on her partner's left. |
Bar 5 | Couple set to 2W |
Bar 6 | Travel to top of set, facing down. Woman finishes next to 2M, M next to 2W. |
Devised by Ellen Ternes (eternes [at] and Martha Anderson
Notes from Ellen: Dedicated to Blaine Peet. We were both his "partner" for General Stuart's reel at Capitol weekend, and later that night (read 4 a.m.) and a little wine (okay, a bottle) we had devised a real dance out of the makeshift petronella we had come up with in the dance. It actually works I think, and is fun. If you decide to try it, let me know if you have any thoughts for ways it might work better. One thing I'm going to try next time I do it, is to make the last 2 bars of the petronella skip change (when dancing couples dance to the sidelines).