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32-bar Strathspey for 4 couples in a 4-couple set
1-4 | 1st couple set, turn with both hands finish in the middle facing down. |
5-8 | 1st couple dance down 1 place and turn with both hands to 1st corner, 2nd couple step up on bars 5 & 6 |
9-12 | Highland Schottische Setting with 1st corners |
13-16 | 1st couple turn their 1st corner with right hand, partner with left hand to finish facing 2nd corner |
17-20 | Highland Schottische Setting with 2nd corners |
21-24 | 1st couple turn their 2nd corner with right hand, partner with left to finish in the middle facing up |
25-28 | 1st couple cast off 2 places, 3rd and 4th couple step up on bars 27 & 28 |
29-32 | 1st couple turn with both hands 1 ½ times Finish in the order 2341 |
Recommended recorded music: "The Fair Maid of Perth" by Jim Cameron and his Scottish Dance Band from the album The Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh.
Devised by Sybille Spägele (macrudi [at], June 2011. Dedicated to Jim Rae of Lockerbie