The Erlangen Reel 8x32 R
Posted by duncan on Jul 19, 2011 in Reels
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32-bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple set
1-4 | 1st couple turn, giving right hands and cast off 1 place, finishing slightly in from the sidelines. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4. |
5-8 | 1st couple turn giving left hands and cast 1st lady up round 2nd lady to finish between 2nd couple facing 2nd man, and 1st man down round 3rd man to finish between 3rd couple facing 3rd lady. |
9-16 | Reels of three across the dance. 1st couple pass the person they are facing right shoulders to begin. On bar 16, 1st couple half turn each other left hand to finish in the middle of the set left shoulder to left shoulder facing their own side. |
17-24 | Reel of three across the dance. 1st man passes 2nd man and 1st lady passes 3rd lady right shoulder to begin. On bar 24 1st couple half turn each other left hand to finish facing 1st corners. |
25-32 | 1st couple turn 1st corner right hand, pass each other right shoulder to face 2nd corner, turn 2nd corner right hand and pass each other right shoulder to finish in 2 place own sides. Corners dance for 4 bars. |
Repeat, having passed a couple. |
Devised by Duncan Brown (duncanqlnbrown [at] Erlangen in southern Germany has a young group of energetic dancers, for whom I taught a day school in 2009. I thought this rather energetic dance might suit them. Bars 9-24 are inspired by bars 9-24 of 'The Colonel' as interpreted by the RSCDS in their 75th Anniversary leaflet.
Recommended Tune: A Trip to Windsor (Dan R MacDonald) published in the Trip to Windsor Collection, or a version from the Web
NOTE: It is advised that some "intelligent anticipation" is used to start the left hand turn in bar 5 some way in from the sidelines to ensure 1st couple get round the standing people in time for the reels starting in bar 9.