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32-bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple set
1-8 | 1st couple set, dance a half figure of eight around 2nd couple, then dance in and down to finish back to back facing opposite sides (2nd couple step up on bars 7 & 8). (1st couple may take near hands briefly as they dance in and down on bars 7 & 8.) |
9-12 | 1st couple and corners set as in double triangles, then 1st couple and first corners turn with right hands to finish in position as on bar 9. |
12-16 | 1st couple and corners set as in double triangles, then 1st couple and second corners turn with left hands to finish in position as on bar 9. |
17-24 | 1st couple and corners dance inverting double triangles (1st couple and corners set as in double triangles, then all advance setting and turn right about so 1st couple is in second place on opposite sides facing in and 2nd and 3rd couples are back to back in the center facing out. All set with hands joined, then all advance setting and turn right about to finish in position as on bar 9 (1st couple back to back in the center facing out)). |
25-32 | 1st couple dance out opposite sides and cast around their first corners to face each other up and down in the center of the set, then turn 1 ¼ times with the right hand to finish in second place on own sides ready to begin again. (If desired, 1st couple may substitute a Tulloch turn or birl for the right hand turn at the end of the dance.) |
Devised 2009 by Lee Fuell (fuell [at]
O gude ale comes and gude ale goes;
Gude ale gars me sell my hose,
Sell my hose, and pawn my shoon--
Gude ale keeps my heart aboon!
Robert Burns, 1795