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32-bar reel for 2 couples in a 4 couple longwise set
1-8 | 1st and 2nd couples set and rotate. 2nd lady and 1st man remain facing out, ready for. |
9-16 | 2nd man and 1st lady pass left shoulders to start a reel of four across the dance. |
17-18 | 2nd man and 1st lady turn half way left hands while 2nd lady and 1st man cast up or down on the sides. |
19-20 | 2nd man and 1st lady turn partners once round giving right hands. |
21-22 | 2nd man and 1st lady turn half way left hands while 2nd lady and 1st man cast up or down on the sides. |
23-24 | 2nd and 1st men, and 2nd and 1st ladies giving right hands, turn, finishing with 1st couple in 2nd place facing up and 2nd couple in 1st place facing down. |
25-26 | All set facing up and down on the sidelines. |
27-28 | All set to partners. |
29-32 | All turn (or spin) partners with right hand. |
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Note: The reel of four starts with the left shoulder in the middle, which makes for slightly unusual timing.
Tune: Maple, by Pete Clark
(cc) Ian Brockbank, 2005 ( ian [at] )
The definitive version of this dance is available on Grand Chain, Ian Brockbank's Scottish country dance web site.
Notes from Ian:
Pete Clark auctioned a tune at a charity ceilidh in aid of the Kisoro School for the Blind in May 2001, and I was fortunate enough to be the highest bidder. The tune he wrote was a lively reel, which I named for our cat Maple. The back of a fiddle is made of maple wood, and the bow dances across it during the tune, so there is a pleasing musical tie-in.
This is my second attempt at a dance to go with the tune - the first dance was unexceptional and had some awkward sections, so I thought I'd try again.
Like the first attempt, this is a two-couple dance.